CBS’ Sunday Morning recently aired a profile on Colorado’s iconic Red Rocks Amphitheatre. The piece featured music from The String Cheese Incident’s appearance at the venue in July, an interview with members of SCI and more.
The profile kicks off with footage of one of Red Rocks’ renowned yoga sessions ahead of some history on the storied venue including its geological formation and legendary acoustics. Correspondent Luke Burbank also sat down with The String Cheese Incident guitarist Bill Nershi and bassist Keith Moseley on the Red Rocks stage to chat with the SCI founding members about their home state venue.
“The intensity at Red Rocks is different,” Keith said about the experience of playing Red Rocks. “You look up there and everyone’s looking down at you, right? Framed by the giant rock monoliths.”
“The energy gets funneled down from the crowd to the stage,” Billy added. “And you walk out onto the stage and you look and it’s everybody – just a wall of people above you.”
Both musicians also fill in a story about coming to Red Rocks before Cheese made their debut appearance and visualizing playing there. The piece wraps up with chats from fans at the show and footage from SCI’s performance.
Watch CBS Sunday Morning’s profile on Red Rocks featuring The String Cheese Incident below:
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