Organist Melvin Seals, bassist Oteil Burbridge and guitarist John Kadlecik came to headline the “A Merry Jerry Christmas” charity concert at the Fox Theatre in Pomona, California on Sunday night. The A Merry Jerry Christmas Band focused on gems in the Jerry Garcia Band Concept in Addition to few Grateful Dead classics. Proceeds from the evening went towards Story Book Adventure, a local business, which attracts both music and literacy education to children round the Inland Empire metropolitan region situated east of Los Angeles.
Seals, Burbridge and Kadlecik were united for their collection by drummers Ed Fletcher and Brad Rhodus and backing vocalists Halina Janusz and Lisa Malsberger. The group kicked off the action using Kadlecik fronting the band on the Motown classic “How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You). ” Next came a streak of Garcia’s “Run For The Roses,” Peter Tosh’s “Stop That Train,” JJ Cale’s “After Midnight” and Bob Dylan’s “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door. ” The focus then turned back into Jerry originals using “Cats Under The Stars,” “Stella Blue,” “Shakedown Street” and “Mission In The Rain. ”
Sunday’s concert lasted with all the Motown gem “That’s What Love Will Make You Do” before “Dear Prudence” from The Beatles. Oteil subsequently had a turn in the spotlight to get slow and throbbing “Gomorrah. ” The A Merry Jerry Christmas Band closed out the day with an pairing of “Don’t Let Go” and “Midnight Moonlight. ” Photographer Rob Chapman has been available at the advantage. Check out a Complete gallery of his work:
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Audio | Taped by Geoff Bender
Fan-Shot Videos | Captured by Ed Congdon
Stella Blue
Stop That Train
Set: How Sweet It Is, Run For The Roses, Stop That Train, After Midnight, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, Cats Under The Stars, Stella Blue, Shakedown Street, Mission In The Rain, That’s What Love Will Make You Do, Dear Prudence, Gomorrah, Don’t Let Go, Midnight Moonlight
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