How One Woman Helped Commission 300 Murals in Denver

In 2018, the Denver Public Art program raised its collection by almost 30 percent, commissioning over 60 murals throughout the Urban Arts Fund (UAF). The total amount of murals from the collection currently totals at just over 300. Even though this is a monumental undertaking that sounds like it took a full staff to achieve,
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Anonymous Street Artist and Activist MissMe to Speak in Denver Next Week

Graffiti is frequently connected with vandalism, but sometimes an artist having a serious goal utilizes graffiti tactics to spread messages . That is certainly true with Montreal-based artist MissMe — dubbed by Vice within a “art vandal” — that creates pieces of art that she leaves in the streets using a technique. She arrived at Denver
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Review – Growing Pains at CRUSH Could Signify More Successes Than Failures

CRUSH, as a festival, did lots of growing up. Were the artists compensated for the first time, but the experience for both participants and attendees felt organized, planned and put together than in years ago. Proof of the maturity was discovered within their unified branding, together with the colored blotches of spray paint that clutter
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